Thursday, January 29, 2009

Letter to the President, by Victor Peters

President Obama,

There are many problems in the economy and I have some solutions.

I am an 11 year old middle class boy and although it may seem like some adult put the ideas in my head and use me as a puppet, I have my own opinion of this disgrace. Socialism is the wrong way to get out of the economic depression/recession. The presidents in the great depression made the same mistake in times past and it took a while to clear. But then the vicious and ravenous beast called Social Security and many other money hungry beasts came, all as the bi- product from this deal with the devil. Besides, socialism goes against our American ways and the very reason America is America because we immigrated for our independence, now you want to take it away?

Another concern that I have is foreign relations. You President Obama, have a different political style. You have too much open arms to savages policy style. You could compromise our national security. You are doing very dangerous things, such as reaching out to nations who are not capable of being honest about their intentions.

Last but not least, I understand that you and your family are looking for the First Pet. I recommend rescuing a retired racer. I have a grey hound of my own. They are very intelligent dogs that need your open arms. When some are finished racing, they kill them. They are good around small children. They are also very loveable and will snuggle with you after a hard day at the Oval Office. They are commonly seen in hieroglyphs. Their striking physique and noble spirit would make them quite fitting for the First Family.

Sincerely, Victor Peters

****This was a writing assignment that Victor produced with minimal effort. I had to share!


Lee Purdum Lehman said...

Dear Victor,
You are right in so many ways. However, I need to express my feelings about Social Security. When it was first initiated, it was because so many old people were left with nobody wanting to take care of them. Then someone decided that people should pay part of their paycheck each time they got paid. It went into a fund. This money grew in this special place so that it would be there to help when people couldn't work anymore.
The reason Social Security isn't working well is that the Government started taking the money in this "savings account" and spending it on other things.
Social Security is like an insurance policy for old people. I believe it's a good idea, but that it was hurt by greedy Government.
Some old people don't have children to take care of them. Some have children, but they can't or don't want to take care of them. This is very sad for old people.
So, I ask you not to get mad at Social Security. People pay every week to have that money saved for them. Instead, please get mad at the Government for robbing the Social Security savings accounts.
It would be nice if children could afford to take care of their parents. In our economy, that would be almost impossible because children have to work until THEY are very old and can't stay home with their parents.
What do you think the answer is, Victor? I've puzzled about this for a very long time.
Love and hugs,
Aunt Elsie

Lee Purdum Lehman said...

Wow. I wrote alot. I forgot to say what was most important in my mind. Your letter to the President, Victor, was very well written and full of so much truth!! You did a wonderful job!! It was great that you mentioned rescuing the greys too. That would be a wonderful thing!!