Check it out. Who woulda' thought that a small "birthmark" would warrant such a huge incision? Not to mention the very hard time of it that Victor has had post-op.
This whole thing has been exhausting and exasperating. After a weekend of wound care and crying and no sleep....with Dad being out of town, we are all ready for some healing.
Yesterday at 5AM, Victor came in to my room, crying in pain, aftering being up all night....I threw the towel in, loaded up sleeping Ava and headed to the hospital. I felt like I was in over my head. The doctor's said that the incision looked good (thank God) and gave Victor some morphine IV so we could catch up on pain management. They even rolled an additional bed into the room, and we all snoozed.
Victor has missed school since last Friday, and is not supposed to go back until Thursday. Martin is due home on Wednesday. I gotta' keep it together!
After we woke up, got our scrips, we headed home. And thankfully, Victor was comfortable enough to get some more sleep.
From the looks of the house this morning, he pulled another all nighter complete with ice cream slopped all over the kitchen and stairs, milk spilled all over the carpet and empty yogurt containers thrown on the floor. I guess he's getting his dairy.
Today is a new day...and I am hopeful that it will be a better one.
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